From City to Country Girl

Location: Rhode Island, United States

I am a hard working wife and mother of one great son.I have totally changed my life from a fast paced city girl who was very high maintenance to a country girl who is trying to slow down.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I came across this picture of Stanley when I was looking for the garden pictures to post. Stanely was given to us by John's brother. When he and his wife divorced he took custody of Stan but he didn't have anywhere he could keep him.So we gladly gave Stan a home.He is about 18 years old but we really aren't sure because Stanley was wild caught. He has an import band on his leg. My brother in law was his second owner.So his age is a big guess.


Here are some of the dianthus I grew in wiskey barrels. I ran out of time to take more pictures of the flowers I grew.


Here is my big girl. Poor thing is in heat. She has been bellowing all day. Shs has a date with a bull in August.

Here is a side view. I know she still is a overwieght but she has lost quite a bit since she had the calf. I feel bad she has been alone for so long. We are buying a heifer and a steer, both calves, when they are weaned. So hopefully she will have company soon.

more garden pictures

Here is a side view of the garden with the large coop in the background and the two farther one are breeding pens.Also is the outhouse were my Mother in law stores her garden tools.
Here is a side view you can see the beans, cucumbers and lettuce growing.

It's been a long time

This the the view from the pasture.You can see the back of the house.
Here is the garden we put in this year. This is the view from the back yard. We put in two raised beds in the front to use as herb gardens. I know it have been so long since I have had the time to post but I have lots of updated picture to show.