Location: Rhode Island, United States

I am a hard working wife and mother of one great son.I have totally changed my life from a fast paced city girl who was very high maintenance to a country girl who is trying to slow down.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I wanted to try starting seeds this year.Usually I buy my veggie plants but this year I wanted to give this a shot.I got some seed starting trays from Walmart.I followed the instructions on the seed packets and I couldn't believe it when they sprouted( I wanted to say hatched cause I have eggs on the brain)
I had John hang the light for me.We also have this in the basement.With all our projects our basement is pretty full.
A week later they started sprouting.The tomato plants are about 4 inches now and started to get their real leaves.I will take some pictures along the way.So by the end of summer you can see if they make it.


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